Monday, October 4, 2010

Why I do the things I do

I have decided that you all must write on your blog more often. I am a nosey person and in order to continue being so I must spy on your lives. The blog is a very good way for me to do that and not get arrested. Yes I may sound crazy, but you already knew that I am. I enjoy driving around at night and seeing that some people have left their curtains open. This way I can look strait into their house and see what they are doing or what their room is decorated like. I don't stop and look (i'm not that crazy) I just drive by. For this reason I keep the blinds at my house closed at night.

So please write more often if you could. I am nosey and enjoy being so.


Stefanie said...

My two or three posts a day for the past week or so is not enough for you ?! Sheesh Lady!!

Ara said...

I agree with you Cari...there are some people that just don't post enough. Lol.

Janel Ruzzi said...

As requested, I added two new posts tonight! [I actually added them before reading this post of yours, but we can pretend it was the other way around. ;)]