Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Week of Water

For about a year and a half our water heater had been popping after we used any water in the house. We knew we had to get a new one, but kept putting it off. The popping annoyed us, but not a whole lot. We were still able to have long hot showers, so we weren't real worried.
We decided to do some maintance on the water heater a couple months ago and drain it (like your supposed to every month or so). We had never done this before. We bought the right hose and procceded to drain the thing. After ward the place where you can turn the water on to the water heater started leaking. We tried to stop it, but just ended up tieing a bucket up to it so that the water wouldn't get everywhere.

Well, two weeks before we were going to get our tax return(which we had decided to replace the water heater with) I went downstairs to check on the laundry. There was water leaking from the water heater! I dried up as much water as I could and then put towels around the bottom of the water heater. I couldn't believe that the stuipd thing couldn't wait just 2 weeks!

The next day I went to the Home Depo and was able to get a credit card. Aaron went later that night to buy the new water heater. We had a 40 gal and decided to trade up to a 50 gal. Aaron had never replaced a hot water heater before so this was going to be interesting. We finally got the new one home along with everything else needed to put it in (with the new card we got 10% off that purchase!). Aaron called a neighbor to come and help him take the old one out and bring the new one in. We had hooked up the hose to the old one to drain it hours before. They procceded to try and carry it up the stairs. The only problem was that it was still full of water! The drain was clogged with a lot of crap. The only thing we could do was to bring it over to the drain in the floor and turn it on it's side. Gallons of water came out! It took another 10-15 min to drain! They finally got it up the stairs and got the new one down the stairs.

While they were bringing the new one down, I was already there mopping up all the spilled water that was EVERYWHERE with all the towels we had. (They were not enough) Aaron the hooked the new hot water heater up. He worked until after midnight, (he started around 7pm) but it was finally finished. We had a new hot water heater that was not going to leak or pop like crazy!

The next project Aaron decided to do was changing the hardware in the bathtub. We thought that it wouldn't be such a hard thing to do. Aaron took the new Home Depo card and bought some metal hardware (we didn't want plastic) and some things he thought he would need. To change the hardware Aaron was accually in one of the bottom kitchen cuboards! (our bathroom is on the other side of the kitchen wall.) As he took out the old stuff we found out how gross it really was. Also whoever put the shower in used a pipe that is used for gas, not water. So we had to replace that too!

While replacing the hardware the water stared leaking from the pipes downstairs. We had to dry off the dryer, unplug it and move it out of the way of the water. We had a bucket catching as much of the water as we could. After half the day and many trips to home depo Aaron finally finished! We were so excited to have nice hardware in the tub, where before we had crap.

Then we found another leak! This one came from the pipe where the water comes into the house. I was so not happy. We went and bought all the stuff to fix this. By this point our towel supply had gone down. The towels were either cleaning up water, or they were in the washer. Luckly before Aaron went to fix the pipe he found something where maybe just a little thing was loose and causing the leak. Yup that was it!

I can tell you that I am so done with water leaking everywhere! We recived our return and have paid off the Home Depo card! We were very happy about not finishing our basement yet, as the carpet would have been ruined. Sometimes procrastination can be a blessing! hehe

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