Thursday, September 2, 2010

What makes me crazy!!

Don't you just hate those family members who are always asking for help in some fashion? But then when you need help you had better not ask them because it could inconvenience them! Wouldn't want to do that! Then you help these people all you can and they still like other people in your family better, even though the ones that they like better won't lift a finger for anyone! This drives me absolutely crazy! I can say this because those people don't read my blog. (as far as I know).


Arlyn said...

OOH! Now you've got me wondering! And yes, I hate crappy behavior in family members who don't seem to care about anyone but themselves.

Enjoying Our Journey said...

I agree with you Cari, it is really annoying and not very family like. I have often wondered what is so great about those you speak of....I am still wondering, and I probably will never find out! Why? Because there is no real reason! But those who do read this blog, I love!