Sunday, December 12, 2010

Ward Party

I talked about the ward party that I got to be over the planning of. Well it happened. I was going crazy just wondering how it was going to go. We went to the church around 3:30 to put the ham in the oven to keep it warm. After we got there the family in charge of decorating came and started wrapping big boxes. The tables and the chairs made their way into the room, and my family showed up to start practicing their songs. Everything seemed to be falling into place. Around 6:30 people started showing up bringing their food that they had signed up for. Some people complained that they had to bring 2 different things, but I didn't feel bad for them. In the end we had 120 chairs set up and people had to eat then stand up so other people could sit to eat!
My mom and sisters did a wonderful job singing! Everyone was terribly impressed! Even when mom started to 'yell' at people to sing along everyone liked it! hehe(she really wasn't yelling!) The pianist that played did a wonderful job as well. He had recived some of the music just the day before and he played just beautifully!
Santa even showed up! The kids were just amazed! I had decided not to give out a bunch of candy to each child, and the rest of the commitee agreed with me. Each kid after seeing Santa got to have an orange and a candy cane. Most of the oranges did not turn into balls, but some did.
All in all I think it turned out really well. People seemed to have fun, and we even came home with some leftovers! I am so happy that it is over! I do not wish to plan a Christmas party ever again!

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