Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Boy is 9!!!!

Most of you have met my Ethan. I had the chance to meet him 9 years ago! He was born on January 19, 2002. Being my first baby it really hurt. While in the delivery room he was stuck for over 2 hours. They used the vacuum on him for quite a while and it didn't work. Finally they called in a Dr that was more experianced with forceps and within 10 min he was finally born. You would think that being stuck for so long and having the vacuum used on his head he would have a cone head. Not so. His head was just as round as it could be! He was born at 7:12am. He weighed 7lbs 14oz. He cried after he was born, until he saw the computer monitor! He has been a computer kid ever since. He was born with a head full of hair. The nurses had some fun playing with it! Ever since he was born he has been called E-fin or Ethanator. Quite soon after he was born he became a cubby baby. They said that his cheeks were so chubby that his tougne wouldn't fit in his mouth, so that's why it stuck out all the time. For the first couple years of his life his tougne was never in his mouth. It stuck out constantly!

The first time he held a Hot Wheels car he was in love. When he was little he got a new car almost everytime we went to the store. We now have quite the collection (which would be bigger if the boys didn't play with them outside where the lawnmower finds them.) When Ethan was about 2 his dad and Uncle Scott were trying to load windows on a computer. They tried a lot of codes, but none of them worked. They were getting really discouraged when all of a sudden Ethan came over to the keyboard. He punched in a few keys and Ta-Da windows loaded! To this day noone knows how he did it.

He was so excited to start school when he was little. He has worked hard in school and is determined to go to college. Even with him being the most dramatic kid we have, he is also the most level headed. (So far.) He is very resposible, and is very good to his brothers. (Most of the time.) Now his passion is legos. He can get a lego project and spend hours building a new something. He is getting a guitar for his birthday and is very excited to learn how to play it. His Uncles already taught him a Metallica song. I hope he will be playing other songs soon!

In school he is a very good student and finds his math homework easy. I hope he will always enjoy math. His favorite t.v. shows are things like Mythbusters, Man vs Wild, Dirty Jobs, and things like this. He loves to play video games on the Wii, but understands that you can't play too often, because nothing good can come from it.

All in all we are very lucky that he came to us. He is a very good kid (even with his dramatic attitude ;)). He has moments where he can say the perfect thing. He also has times where I want to kill him, but I am so happy he is mine. He is my Ethan.

1 comment:

Enjoying Our Journey said...

Oh how I love that boy! I can't believe he is 9 today! Where did the time go?