Sunday, May 22, 2011


It is now May and the end of school is in sight! For some of us school has been done for a couple weeks (thank goodness!). This past semester I took math 990 (don't wait 10 12 yrs to go back!) and a general psychology class. I found that my math class turned out to be much more enjoyable than the psych class. I pulled an A out of both classes, though in the psych class I have no idea how it happened. The teacher at first gave us a syillabis that talked about our grade depending on quizzes and exams. The whole semester we never took one quiz or exam. We talked about alot of nothing in that class and she would change her mind for no apperant reason. She talked using 12 different ideas all at once and so noone ever really knew what was going on. She gave us 2 weeks to do a big group project and then changed her idea how it was going to work the next week. She was the most aggravating teacher I've ever had (and ever hope to have). I really don't know how I pulled an A out of her class, but I'm not going to argue.

Andrew just finished kindergarten! He had so much fun this year in school! I signed both boys up for the summer programs at the school and Andrew is very excited to be starting in June. Andrew finished kindergarten being able to count to 100, knowing how to write all the abc's and he can read at a level 2!

Ethan is finishing 3rd grade this coming week. He seems to be doing very well and has really enjoyed this year. His class was a combined 3rd and 4th grade class. This seems to have made him happy. He had a small class (less than 20 kids) and has really gotten the attention he needs in the areas that he needed the most help in. He's had a few fights with bullies this year, but nothing that even was told to the teacher. He got many 'got being goods' at school (as well as Andrew). Ethan drew some really good pictures in chalk this year. They are hanging in my hallway (I'll get them framed soon I hope) I asked him how he did it and he told me that he didn't work too hard on them. I wonder how well he would have done if he tried! Ethan is not as excited as Andrew about the summer programs, but I know he will have fun. I know it's important to keep their minds going and that's what these programs do.

That's what's going on at our house so far. Anything fun going on at yours?

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