Friday, December 16, 2011

Isaac and the Tree

My 3yr old has had this obsession with Christmas Trees since Oct. He has been so excited for Christmas since August. I have not seen an obsession like this in my older boys, but Ike is very excited. For months he's been asking that Santa bring him a scooter. He discovered this past summer that he can ride his brothers and that he is good at it. He's wanted his own scooter since August and found that Santa may be his only way of reciving one.
Ever since he saw a Christmas tree in a picture from last year he's been on the look out for them. Every pine tree we see he askes me if I can see the Christmas tree. We told him a couple weeks ago that we were going to go and get a Christmas tree soon. If he could count backwards he would have been counting down the days. Everyday asking me if we could go and get the tree. Finally the day came and we all got in the car to go get the tree. We got to Home Depot and started looking. Isaac wanted every tree he saw. Finally we all agreed on one tree. (for a bit it looked like the boys each wanted their own tree.) Isaac held on to the tag to buy the tree the whole time we were in the store getting other things. When we brought it home he tried to help straiten the tree. Then when we finally got to decorate it he was all about helping.
Now he won't leave the tree alone. He wants to water the tree, turn the lights on, smell the tree and everything possible with this tree. This is not the family's tree, it is Isaac's tree.